Space Opening tickets - how can i give them back ?


New Member
i`ve bought 3 Onlinetickets on the space homepage, but now i cannot come to ibiza on this date. How can i give the tickets back ?
i know, that it is possible to cancel tickets , wich you have bought on the spotlighthomepage... but on the space homepage.....
I `ve written to space 2 e-mails, but there comes no answer...
has anybody an idea, what can i do ????
unfortunately we are dealing with tickets bought from the space webpage, not spotlight (if i understand correctly?)

not sure what to do tbh. have a read of space' terms, maybe cancelling is not even allowed?
unfortunately we are dealing with tickets bought from the space webpage, not spotlight (if i understand correctly?)

not sure what to do tbh. have a read of space' terms, maybe cancelling is not even allowed?

Yeah, just re-read and realised that. Apols!
sandyflixe, did you get a refund?
i have 2 tickets for buuren @ space on 24th august (bought from space website) but i cant make it,
ive sent messages to the space site but got no reply:(
hi trya,

unfort the space website don't allow cancellations. spotlight does :)