Space Moscow??


According to this article, Space is opening a franchise in Moscow!

Not sure how it will work out. Pacha Moscow is still going strong but I don't know any real clubbing people who go there.

Amnesia's plans to open in Moscow (in the club formerly known as Milk, now closed) didn't quite work out, although they did throw a bunch of parties there.

Google Translated Article said:
Space could open in Moscow

Text: Oksana Kucharczyk
June 17, 2013

Moscow club circles, some time ago there was a rumor that some team promoters preparing to open a club in Moscow under the guise of the famous Space. After a little investigation, we were able to figure out what it is about and what you can expect from this discovery.

In the Club Space will be transformed into a giant playground, formerly known as the Totem Hall, which is located in Victory Park. Actually branded Space in this institution, according to the contract must be held 24 parties a year. Over the opening of the institution in Moscow, there are people who are related to the club Ikon, working on the site of the club "Paradise".

I must say that this is not the first attempt to open the promoters of the Moscow club in the city under the famous club brand. The most successful attempt of this kind was the opening of the club Pacha. Prior to that, several attempts to open a club in Moscow for the franchise Ministry Of Sound, but further theoretical attempts, it never came.

Club Space in Ibiza opened in 1989 and is considered one of the best clubs in the world. Under the guise of Space in the world runs a few clubs, one of the most successful club is considered to be in Miami.
(the author obviously unaware that Space Miami is unrelated)
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This is apparently really happening

On a jumbo advertising screen on my way to work today:

Pacha Moscow recently closed (to be turned into a bigger version of the downmarket dive bar Pappa's Place, owned by the same guy).
Space Moscow, Space Ibiza’s first franchise in Eastern Europe, will open its doors on December 14th with an opening party worthy of the world’s most renowned club.
On this special night we’ll welcome Tiësto - the world’s biggest DJ - the only artist capable of matching an event as big as Space Moscow’s Grand Opening.
I never really know where I stand of these clubs opening in repressive, un-liberal countries like Russia and Dubai where for being a homosexual or a woman you are repressed, or your government is actively trying to persecute you.

Clubs like Space & Pacha Ibiza represent the best of freedom in the World. Where race, gender, sexuality are celebrated and you can be and do what you like. Look at Pacha's history and how it started. AND then they open in Dubai?!?

And Space in Russia? Which is trying to remove homosexuals from society!

Not to turn this into a big debate, but the Western press has really overblown what's actually going on here (not surprising!).

There is a law - and yes, a deplorable one - outlawing the promotion of "non-traditional" sexual orientations to minors. Other than that, there is no concerted government action against gays. My gay friends here live just fine, aside from detesting this law like the rest of us intelligent people. Of course, they can't make out in the street in front of a group of kids if a cop is nearby, but no one is knocking on their doors at night.

Since a nightclub is 18+ anyway, won't be a problem there!
I don't see the appeal of living let alone clubbing in Russia. A cold, sinister place with awful public relations and a bad human rights record. (Supporting Assad, poisoning dissidents in London, incarcerating feminists, silencing journalists & green activists...) Their leaders historically have been brilliant at instilling a siege mentality though. It distracts people from asking the real questions. Not least how on earth the world cup ended up there!
Any idea what the capacity is like on this place. Just had a quick glance over the live stream of Cafe Ole, looks a pretty big building.
It's pretty big. Could easily hold 3000. Maybe even more if they filled up the balcony.
I'm going to guess 4k total capacity.