Space Layout


New Member
Ok, after an absence of 3 years (I mourned the terrace too much and got sick of being unable to move) I'm tempted to go to Space again. So what's the layout? What's the Premier Etage? Where's the Sunset Terrace? When I last went there it went like this:

Enter. On your left what I used to call 'the side terrace'. On your right, the old terrace, now shrouded in glass. Go through into the Discoteca. Upstairs at the back was the Red Room, and somewhere up there (it was a bit hazy at the time) was a roof terrace with a tube to sit in.

Was El Salon only for the opening (and I presume closing)? If not, where is it?

Ok. Now it's like this:

Sunset Terrace - When you go in, to the left. Used to be a little outdoor chill-out area but it's somewhat expanded. Even got a little staircase up to a bar at the back... kind of like the old terrace. This is where the outdoor dancing goes on.

Terrace - to the right of the entrance. The old terrace with a roof, basically, but a little different. Good sound. Gets crowded

Discoteca - Main room inside

Premier Etage - That's the rooftop terrace. Lots of seating. Chill out area.

Red Room - as it was... on the way up to the Premier Etage.

Salon - that's a new room from last year. If you go from the main entrance through the Terrace and out the side of the building, there's a new room there.