Space Closing dream lineup!


Well-Known Member
To wet the appetite (if thats even needed)...
If you could only pick one person/group to see play the closing who would it be?
Mine would be Chemical Brothers, not really what i listen to now but was besotted with their sound as a kid when all my mates listened to rap and grime etc. Im sure loads have seen them at Space over the years, could anyone see it happening?
A room dedicated to all the local residents ( Miss Bistro, Jason Bye, Baxster etc ) for all the years of tireless dedication they have put into the club and for them to play in all night


Patrick Topping
Sandy Rivera
Blocko & Peezey already confirmed
Eats is down already to Dj which you might be implying but not sure. Seen him loads, always pretty solid unless he gets absolutely steaming lol
Definitely Daft Punk!!!!!! I've never seen them before!!!!

Also, Alex P & Brandon Block on the Sunset terrace (unless they were to take the roof off the main terrace, but that's not gonna happen)... Although, they're both playing anyway, so at least that one will come true!

If I could only pick one then definetly Garnier.
Others I would love to see at space are Jeff Mills, Harvey, John Talabot, Black Madonna & Gerd Janson.