Space closing 2011 - Spotlight tickets - Urgent queries


Well-Known Member
Discussing plans with a few people the following questions have been raised by nearly everyone I've spoken to who has not yet bought a ticket (and some who have !) .. could Spotlight please advise on the following for those who are still holding back :

1. Is there any latest entry time for people purchasing tickets off the Spotlight website now (at 60 Euros incl. free drink price) ?

2. Will Space allow people with Spotlight tickets to leave and re-enter the club via wristband or pass-out (for example if they wish to go for a few hours in the evening on October 2nd, leave for food or sleep and return later on October 3rd in the morning) ?

There's not a lot of tme left for people to buy their tickets through Spotlight so would be great to get answers to the above questions ASAP if at all possible.

Many thanks.
internt ticket holders are advised to arrive before 10pm, but nobody will be refused entry at anytime if it's clear they have a valid internet ticket.

as is the case for any ticket or entrance to space closing, there are no pass-outs.