Space bouncers


ive heard this happen before but you dont take much notice until it happens to you

went to we love closing party last sunday night, went up to the red box for the burlington project with clive henry. was pretty rammed so was around 10 folk waiting to go in. few folk leave so comes to us. bouncer asks if we're english, 'no mate scottish'. '10 euro if you want in'. laughed and told him to **** off

joke they get away with that sort of stuff, was really looking forward to that room aswell :spank:
I asked what room Dimitri from Paris was playing in and he took out a hanky, wiped his face and then walked off. They are charming.
Disappointed after the thread title....

When you are only paying 65 Euros for the privilege of being there you can hardly expect to be treated with respect and courtesy.
I actually thought the Space bouncers were the best on the island, they seem much more into the music than the rest
I actually thought the Space bouncers were the best on the island, they seem much more into the music than the rest

I think the same about Space bouncers - always friendly and happy to take a pic of you if you give them your camera - try that one in in Amnesia :)
Plus for my last night in space (Carl cox night) the place was closing and they were telling everyone to leave and i remembered i needed a picture of the Space awards cabinet thingy so i had to run accross but the doors to that bit were closed so i pleaded with the bouncer to just let me go through and eventually he let me, if that would of been any of the other clubs i would of been told no and probably shoved out of the way!