Space 12.09 - Spotlight Meetup


Active Member
I mentioned it in an earlier thread but do we think its a good idea to buy our tickets on line and then we get to use a separate [quicker?] Q ...... is it worth it or just easier to get tickets from the usual outlets?

PS Do you get a pass out if you buy online?
,,,, then I can conserve my foot energy for dancing - don't want any possible mishaps with the old ankle....... 8O 8O
but when you come back in obviously you have to go in the regualr (long!) Q :evil: . So it depends what time you will be going in/out.
ch1ca said:
but when you come back in obviously you have to go in the regualr (long!) Q :evil: . So it depends what time you will be going in/out.

Excellent Ch1ca - ta for that.... how's it going? Looking forward to going back to Uni??
I'm not going back to uni-i'm leaving week after next to start my new job! (Trying to finish off as much as I can of my thesis before I go).

Enjoy ibiza you lucky sod! :twisted: Wish I was going for closings :cry: but don't think it'd go down to well with the new employer..."going to Ibiza for a few weeks and oh, I won't be able to do any real work for a few weeks when I come back!" :roll:

Never mind-have a few cheeky ones for me! :lol: 8) :lol:
Ch1ca ;)
Whose going then?

I'm up for a meet on the 12th, who's going to be there and what time????

I thought this thread was about a meet up?? lol. Im cumfuced about buying my tickets online? What is a seperate or pass out, does that mean in & outs?? These terms are new to me. :?:

But yeah anyway i'm totally down for a meetup. count me in. Just name the place.

-joey bickle
You need to buy a ticket to get into space (unless you wanna pay the full door price), and if you buy your ticket online you can use the guestlist queue when you get there.

If you arrive before 4pm you are issued with a wristband which entitles you to leave the club and come back in once. The wristband is then taken from you when you return.

On return, you have to queue with everyone else and cannot use the guestlist entrance again. That was the point that was being made....

Nothing to worry about ;)