Soulful house mix from me!


Active Member
Heres my january mix for you all to download and listen too, perfect for relaxing on the beaches of ibiza with or for that pre-party... Enjoy!

Tracklisting is as follows:

Sueno Soul ft Kimara Lovelace - Merry Go Round (Main mix)
Tonya Renee - Off My Mind (Reelsoul remix)
Miss Patty - Get Over It (Roots Dub)
Jazztronik - Dentro mi Alma (Yoruba Soul Remix)
Franck Roger - Bone of my Bone
Ananae - Walking on thin Ice (Ananaes Old School dub)
Dennis Ferrer - Run Free
Louis Benedetti - Fixation (Main mix)

mix can be found on my site at

or by clicking this link
Ill be on the white isle a few times throughout this summer... first trip - 24th-28th May 2007, Hopefully see some of you out there!