Song from Jet - playa den bossa


New Member
Hi all

just recently came back from my first trip to ibiza and ive been frantically looking for all the songs i heard over there.

there is still one song that i cant find. I stayed at jet in playa den bossa and everyday they played this track on the beach. It has a female vocal repeating the words "my love"

i didnt really hear it played ne where else except for once at space

your help is much appreciated
nins said:
Hi all

just recently came back from my first trip to ibiza and ive been frantically looking for all the songs i heard over there.

there is still one song that i cant find. I stayed at jet in playa den bossa and everyday they played this track on the beach. It has a female vocal repeating the words "my love"

i didnt really hear it played ne where else except for once at space

your help is much appreciated

My......... Endlesssssssssssss......... Loooooooooooooooooooovvvvveeeee

(Sorry, all I keep thinking of is the scene in Happy Gilmore at the ice rink)
x-amount said:
nins said:
Hi all

just recently came back from my first trip to ibiza and ive been frantically looking for all the songs i heard over there.

there is still one song that i cant find. I stayed at jet in playa den bossa and everyday they played this track on the beach. It has a female vocal repeating the words "my love"

i didnt really hear it played ne where else except for once at space

your help is much appreciated

My......... Endlesssssssssssss......... Loooooooooooooooooooovvvvveeeee

(Sorry, all I keep thinking of is the scene in Happy Gilmore at the ice rink)

awesome movie!
''I think you'll find thats Mr Gilmore's''
