..some advices for the season 2004???



hola :D
..me and some mates were working as pr´s the season 2002 in lloret and 2003 in mallorca! i´d love to spend my 3rd season in ibiza! some things i need to know before: how do the pr´s get paid in ibiza? we work on comission right? when, where and how exactly is it about the comission? what about sellin tickets? wich is the best place to work for? and wich the worst? im plannin to come over in the beginnin of june (this time alone)! thats the best time to get a pr job , right? but probably a bit late to find a accomodation? wich are the typical worker-hostal´s in eivissa? obviously its impossible to arrange things before im there but hopefully someone can give me some advices for a well start.. :?:
venga!!! :?: :?: