

New Member
Well it's Vernal Equinox on March 20th ~ the time for celebrating Spring coming, the return of the sun! New beginnings, New growth on the Earth :)
Stonehenge will be open and there will be a gathering at about 5am I think
I'l be at home tucked up in bed!
But I am having a celebration at home to bring in the Equinox, friends, music and a Fire in the garden :)
Does anyone else celebrate The Solstices??

Yes I am a bit of a tree hugging hippy! :p
We tend to celebrate mid summer solstice with a barbie on the beach & a last light surf ... last year we didn't get out of the water till around 11:30pm! Goooood times!

Definitely more punk than hippy here but yes! :D :lol:

Loving that the equinox is finally here...days getting longer, slowly emerging from my slumber and gearing up for Beltane! (been out practically every night this week - oops)

Will be going to some weird ceremonial DIY music thing on Tues in a Camberwell squat involving a fire, some drumming and 303 noises and lots of flailing around. :lol:

Am also going to be giving lots of sound baths with my mahoosive gongs (very trippy).

But ultimately having lots of park time and staying as conscious as possible. So many distractions in this city that take me off the plot. :confused: :lol: