so who went to the hacienda, what was it like?

I went in 1993, so probably missed the boat on its heyday. I thought it was a bit pretentious tbh! Im sure it was great a few years previously! :lol: Still had a good night tho!
I went quite a bit in 92-93. There was quite few bad lads in there, but we always had fun.

I don't recall with same fondness as I do Camden Palace in '91-92 or Turnmills in 2002-2004.
Yup. '89 or '90ish I think - can't remember exactly when ! Went twice only that I vaguely remember - a Park & Pickering Friday night and once on a Saturday. It was all a bit edgy - not somewhere especially relaxed - and Graeme Park was far too US house for my liking. All sounded the same to me and I got monumentally bored. Adrian Luvdup and Alistair Whitehead were far more entertaining round then.

I think Hally used to go to the Hac quite regularly.

I had far better nights in the early 90s !
Luckily for me the Hac was only a 20min drive up the M62 and parking was easy. I was a regular in the latter years from 94 to 97 and enjoyed my time there.

It was definately moody in there I can assure you:!: Real element of grittyness and it was obvious who was controlling individual areas of the club (indicated normally by Champagne drinkers and designer clothing). Once you got settled into the music, it was a great space to be in, industrial feel to it and good acoustics. There was even a basement room, even dodgier.

Saturday was the best night in the latter years, at the helm was Graeme Park and Tom Wainwright who kept the vocal house theme going. This sound suited me at the time, not sure I could stomach it these days though. It was open til 4am, unlike Cream (i alternated between the two) which was only open til 2am on a Sat. The door was a bit pricier than most places, £12 a head was a bit pricey 18 years ago!!!:(

My last night in there was for the 15th Birthday in 1997, the main night being on the Sunday. Sasha was the headliner and it was spine tingling. One of those moments I cannot forget, looking up at the glass roof as daylight emerged:D:D

It would be a very different atmos to replicate, similar to the old Space Terrace in Ibiza:( but I am so glad I went there:D

Parky still plays regularly and lives locally, I follow him on his website, he can still mix anything and everything. Forgive me for being bold, but I would say he is one of the best DJs of all time and a legend. He plays a Haceinda Classics party at Sankeys between Christmas and New Year.

Parky still plays regularly and lives locally, I follow him on his website, he can still mix anything and everything.

I wouldn't disagree that he's extremely talented.

Greg Wilson is another one - he has a Northern Soul background from playing at the Wigan Casino, later becoming a resident at the Hac.

Fast forward to 2012 and he's still on top of his game. 8)
Gosh you're right.

How is it that somewhere like Wigan can have two legendary night spots?

Or have I just become horribly London-centric in my old age?

Do people still club in the provinces? :lol:
I wouldn't disagree that he's extremely talented.

Greg Wilson is another one - he has a Northern Soul background from playing at the Wigan Casino, later becoming a resident at the Hac.

Fast forward to 2012 and he's still on top of his game. 8)
i do enjoy the greg wilson soundcloud sets he posts.

and it was indeed wigan pier not the casino he played at.

his early 80's recordings are superb for that rare groove/late disco/electronics Sound which i was into for a while....was enjoying his set from bestival he posted the the other day, plus that retrospective set he posted up.

he happens to be djing in glasgow on saturday.

also , i will echo the comments about graeme park...he usually does a night in the sub club around about xmas playing the 'hits' also.

for those that like that sound, Streetrave @ the arches would be very similar in terms of sound / ethos, gets all the old timers out for a nostalgic dance around...check the soundcloud, as the live sets from Jon Mancini & Hooligan X are great.
I went once in '89. I was taken by my brother and his mates as my last night out before going in the army and A Guy Called Gerald was supposed to be playing but I was so spangled I don't know if he even turned up or not :confused:
Used to love the Fridays myself. Very strange atmosphere at times, with half the criminals in Manchester in there, but once you were into it the place had a certain something. Not the best venue to have a paranoid one in though.