So.... My take on things....


No longer active
WOW, what a night!

I've finally just about returned back to the land of the living, so I'd thought I'd post my review of the nights events

Firstly I'd like to say massive thanks to Buckley, a top fella with whom I hope our paths cross more often now! Likewise Dempsey. I was told by "the girls" you 2 were wicked people and I wasn't dissappointed! Big thanks for letting me tag along to the club in Vauxhall, had a top night/day. You and all your mates were superb at making me feel so welcome at the afterparty.

I was gitted as I felt I didn;t meet nearly as many people as I hoped to! I can remember just about meeting Barbie (altho does she rememeber meetiong me?) Scoobie (i think) saffy (right at the end :( ) and I think Swiss taff (Big guy with the suit jacket, went to afterparty too?). Like i said, I remember all to little of it all!

The DJ's kept me v. happy. Big thanks to Matt Collins for taking the time with my enquiry about the alicia keys mix 8) ) I was loving the earlier funky stuff. In all honesty it all got a little deep for me later on. I must say tho, the guy on last in the main room, although I hated your tunes, I had my technical ear on, and I thought your mixing style was superb. Nice "invisible" mixes alongside subtle swift cuts, at all the right times.

All in all a superb night. I went on somewhat of a bender after tho, after being a bit of a stowawy with Buckley and his chums, then stayed at the afterparty til midday, then went straight home, changed and was back in the pub for 1:00!. Stayed in the pub all day, and then went to the glasshouse, and then caught the last few hours of Soul Heaven at Ministry, where to my delight, Kerry Chandler was playing the last set with his own superb style! First time Ive been there since the refit, and I was quite impressed with it all, although I liked the old corner room which overlooked the box in the vip room. Afte ministry, went to another afterparty at the Studio 33 club (previously the Chunnel club apparently) and then stumbled home around 2:00 sunday afternoon!

Like I said, a top night. Can't wait for the next one, and I hope I'll remember) meeting a few more of you then!

Thanks once again Buckley, and thanks to your mates to!
Oh my GOD .. you stayed at the after party till mid day?!! Blimey .. Phew !!!

Was good to meet you ... as you say, at the very end ! :( Not to worry, at least I got the chance to say hi !!

Glad you had a great time !!
Course I remember meeting you again my lovely ;)

I can't believe KC was playing Ministry, where was Joe Claussel, was KC special guest. We were meant to be going but by Saturday night I was dead in a gutter somewhere, Tom is going to lock me in the naughty cupboard forever more when he finds out we missed KC :eek: :lol:
x-amount said:
I must say tho, the guy on last in the main room, although I hated your tunes, I had my technical ear on, and I thought your mixing style was superb. Nice "invisible" mixes alongside subtle swift cuts, at all the right times.

Thanks mate... err I think ;) Sorry the tunes weren't to your liking, but thanks for the compliment :)
x-amount said:
WOW, what a night!

Big thanks to Matt Collins for taking the time with my enquiry about the alicia keys mix 8) )

No probs fella, just glad I've remembered which one you were. If you can't find it let me know and I'll try and get a copy of it to you...