so far...


Active Member
1 manhandling by Bora Bora 'security'
1 phone stolen
1 jellyfish sting
1 case of 'man flu'
1 phone stolen

..... and none of it to do with us :lol:
1 manhandling by Bora Bora 'security'
1 phone stolen
1 jellyfish sting
1 case of 'man flu'
1 phone stolen

..... and none of it to do with us :lol:

I'm predicting at least a few more phone thefts coming up looking at the recent on goings:lol:
:spank::spank: 1st night aswell :spank:

Same here, calling a mate and looky looky came behind me, gave me a slap to get my attention and took my ipohne and ran. Not sure theres much point either as my iphone has been made unusable.

Just pissed of i lost all the photos etc on there
1 manhandling by Bora Bora 'security'
1 phone stolen
1 jellyfish sting
1 case of 'man flu'

..... and none of it to do with us :lol:
Can we name names? :twisted:
I was the 4th one.
Liam's admitted being the 2nd.
As for #3, you should see the welt that thing left on her. Never seen anything like it!
Manflu here :evil:

Went way too hard at cocoon closing :lol:

Luckily the last two nights have been slower days with no can't miss parties. Taking some mysterious Spanish restaurant and trying to pull it together for Monza at Sankeys.....killer lineup.:eek:
Monza was great last week. Closing line-up is massive.

You should have popped down to the beach for Cocoon afterparty on Tuesday!
As for #3, you should see the welt that thing left on her. Never seen anything like it!

When she picked me up to go to Salinas I saw it and thought 'poor girl, thats a horrid burn/birth mark..' :lol: then she told me it was a jelly fish sting :eek: I've had a few in my time but nowt like that :eek: