Snowboarding in Borovets Bulgaria


Probably doesn't have a place in this forum but hey ho, has anybody been? Ive booked up to go to Borovets in Bulgaria in March - iv skiied 4 or 5 times, but fancied a change so going to learn to snowboard.

Im sure the music scene is non existent in the resort but iv heard the boozers are real cheap. If anybodys been HMU with any tips for the resort or on the slopes.
I've been, it's quite lively with bars, at least one night club and strip bars if mafia run places are your thing?

There's an old ski jump to explore hidden just off the piste furthest to the left as you look at the hills from memory, you can climb to the top but not for faint hearted as the barriers have collapsed.

We were begginers really so there was enough for us to go at, the bars were dirt cheap. May have changed but all the bars/restaurants were smokey which I was t keen on.
Iv heard theres lots of Mafia just driving around in their Hummers ? cheap drink sounds good though.

I'll probs snowboard most the holiday then ski on the last day to do abit off piste and also find some jumps! ill ask about that one you mention though.
Speaking to locals they said the mafia don't really rock up anymore but im sure like everywhere in the world their momey sits behind it.

TThere's videos of the jump on youtube
i have been a couple of times, maybe 6 or so years ago now so am sure its spruced up a bit but i have to agree with the above, snow wasnt so great early season when we went drinks were cheap, the craic was mighty, there were lots of t+tty bars of various states of legitness. on the whole the bars life was good, some great food and good fun folk out afters.. many a night getting home too late and regretting it on the slopes the next day.. have fun, & play safe on and off the slope