Sneaking Drinks into Clubs? Penalty?

Rebecca G

Active Member

What's it like sneaking drinks into clubs now? Are you still allowed into the club if they catch you? Will some clubs allow you to leave and re-enter? I don't want to get dehydrated so I was thinking of bringing a small bottle of water with me. Ten euros for a bottle of water's too damn much! Thanks!
I think they'd just make you leave it at the entrance if caught bringing something innocuous like water in.

No, most clubs do not have re-entry.
I normally take a small bottle of water or 2 into the clubs, when you think if you get away with it you've saved 20 euros, the only place that found it and took it off me was DC10, I literally just put it in my back pocket..
i'd rather splurge €20 than ruin the line of my keks with a bottle of water in the back pocket!

modern fashion isn't big on 'lines' :eek:
Someone told me recently that they knew someone who would go into festivals with a colostomy bag full of vodka and red bull... the security guy apparently tried to grab it once and he was quickly told they'd have a law suit on their hands if he went anywhere near it... hey presto!!! free drink for a good period of the night!! :lol:

Good plan, but I'll take a pass on the colostomy bag. It's a pain to pay a hefty entrance fee and then be expected to pay 10+€ for a microscopic bottle of water. I wouldn't mind if it were a larger bottle though. Clubs are clubs.

I'm going to try bringing 2 bottles with me. Sometimes security can be dicks, so I just wanted to be sure they wouldn't deny my entry for attempting to bring water in.

Someone told me recently that they knew someone who would go into festivals with a colostomy bag full of vodka and red bull... the security guy apparently tried to grab it once and he was quickly told they'd have a law suit on their hands if he went anywhere near it... hey presto!!! free drink for a good period of the night!! :lol:
they checked the misses bag going into space and took a small bottle of water out of her bag, she had 3 miniture whiskeys in her bag that they didnt see. most clubs i went into i put a small bottle of water at my back held by my belt, they dont really check that much, dont think its a huge deal bringing in a couple of drinks
Lol I just bought a flask filled it up with vodka and would stick it in my back pocket.. Every time I just bought one vodka redbull and would top myself up a good two more times.. Never got caught once!
next time your in Sankeys have a look at the floor near end of the night.....Capri Suns everywhere! workers favourite