Sneaking alcohol into clubs? Anyone tried?

Went to a few shows alone last year, arriving around 2:30-3 am each time I would practically walk right in. Security just scanning my ticket or whatever but whisking me through. I had put a mini flask in my back pocket. My plan was if they ever found it I would have just said I'd forgotten about it, and it was just simply in my pocket from earlier!
Sounds good man but those big Russian bouncers aren't always great to talk to haha

russian bouncers? i think i haven't seen any russian security people here yet. romanians and bulgarians yeah, and of course a lot of spanish, but russian?
Done it many times, normally buy some miniatures from the shop, if they get found I just drink it there and then, its never been a problem

One other thing I have done, is put a bottle of water in my pocket, if it gets taken away no big deal, if you get in with it, that saved yourselve 10 euros! (this hasnt ever worked in Amnesia or DC10)
Yeah I've always got in doing it. Got patted down at Cocoon last week, but drink was placed infront of my private areas haha. Drop whatever down the front of your shorts and you'll be fine.
I don't like to sneak drinks...better drink before entering the club..if i can't afford drinks this day i dont drink simple as that..but before entering the club..1 liter of aquarius, some hard drinks , some shots of hierbas..33cl of water...guess after it, i am no more thirsty..
For amnesia opening i 've seen a bottle of 1liter full of water, in the smoke area, behind the bushes...i put in in m beach bag & i poured it in the wc in 2 little empty bottles :eek: was cool to enjoy this free 1 liter of water..otherwise i get dry fruits in my bag, i only buy water when thirsty...
i've seen a guy letting his coke on the bar of amnesia terrace...half the glass...some spanish girls ask if it was my guest..they drink the coke..but 10mn later they stole a beer from a bloke , so watch out about ur drinks :D
Bulgarian sounds Russian to me sorry. What ever nationality they are big! Suppose it's just as easy to drink before you go, either way will have the sickest time can't wait. Thanks people
I don't think so, the guy left his drink as some gilz from Vip balconet told him to join her....
I was supposed to meet an event organizer in amnesia vip to take a pic together, but the staff told me ..see how u r dress?
:lol: sure i won't go to disco clubs in ibz with long trousers & so on as Suit ,Tie :rolleyes:, things i have to wear in some fancy clubs in paris...
I was supposed to meet an event organizer in amnesia vip to take a pic together, but the staff told me ..see how u r dress?/quote]

Did you have ze drums?

Drums are not allowed in big clubs, it's why i enjoy more daytime parties: beach bars pool parties, boat parties small place with terrace as i can bring my middle east drums...
i was dress with short ,tank top & flip flop..wTF, i wont wear in Ibz, nice suit :rolleyes: as i used to do in Paris for job or for some kind of fancy party...

At Space they took my dry figuea otherwise at other place they did not even search ur beach bag such as amnesia,dc10(ushuaia , little search)...if u want to sneak miniatures u can...
I always thought that if you got searched and had drinks they would refuse entry hence why I've never tried it as you lose the money you've paid for your tickets