Skateboard hire in Ibiza?


New Member
Does anyone know if this is available in Ibiza? I've searched on Google with no luck so wondered if anyone could point me in the right direction?

We're staying in San An.

Cheers in advance!
Very much doubt it , havn't seen anywhere that does that anywhere except maybe the bigger skateparks
there`s a good skatepark in figueretas thats worth checkin out.Its more of a plazza type park with lots of ledges,steps and some long rails.some good banks and quaters around it to one with a vert wall....Bring your board with you the skate shop in ibiza town is very expensive..roll forever brother..8)8)
Cheers for that but it's for my 16 year old son. I very much doubt he'll risk taking it though, I bought it him and I'm still recovering from paying for it! I'll suggest it to him though.

Many thanks for the replies!
He should bring it with him.I always brought my board on hols at that age,im 39 now and still when i see a park or skate spot i get a bit pissed off i didnt bring one:)
ahh memories. Skating was my life from the age of 12-17. Breaking my ankle last year put a stop to any comeback tours which is annoying as they opening a brand new concrete park tomorrow, not far from my house that looks siiiick!
I remember seeing a 1/2 pipe been put to good use in Manumission (Several:oops:Years ago)
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