Silly question but...


Active Member
A friend of mine now lives in Oz - shes just text me from what I presume is now an Australian mobile, will it cost me more to reply does anyone know? More then a standard text?
Yes. It wont be part of your free texts package (if you have that) as you're texting a foreign mobile. I think it costs about 30p per text. I made the same mistake when my friend moved abroad!!
Yes. It wont be part of your free texts package (if you have that) as you're texting a foreign mobile. I think it costs about 30p per text. I made the same mistake when my friend moved abroad!!

I thought that about the free texts! Thanks 8)
my brother lives in Oz and i now have as part of my package, they call it a "bundle" free texts to oz, if you are texting her lots it might be worth doing it.