S'Illa beach


Active Member
this looks like a fun place to paddle around and explore :P

dance4life said:
this looks like a fun place to paddle around and explore

the complete name of that island is s'illa den caldés and the area is called cala den
- beautiful place!! :D

funnily enough my uncle have been there today searching wild mushrooms!! 8O

dance4life said:
they never work for me

click here and you will see it!! ;)

dance4life said:
i'll have a poke around see if i can find another pic

do you like this one? :P


important note: s'illa den caldés is not the same beach than s'illa des renclí :!:
McRackin said:
funnily enough my uncle have been there today searching wild mushrooms!! 8O

interesting :)

McRackin said:
do you like this one? :P


the water looks a tad more fierce in that pic 8O

Ibiza-girlie said:
lookls nice, but...ehm...where is the beach? :oops:

i wasnt on so much about the beach as paddling around and to that island.. thought it would be fun :P