shopping research


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i'm hoping to make some changes to some of our info pages (don't hold your breath) and was wondering about your shopping activities.....

so what kind of things do you buy while you're in ibiza and what are your favourite shops??
bucket, spade, lilo, 'gucci' sunglasses, 'i love ibiza' baseball caps

oh, more 'appropriately' i love mooching around the swish home furnishing shops near the port in ibiza town.
I've bought a few things in a rush at the airport before I left when i realised I needed to grab some gifts for my parents..

I haven't actually seen that many shops that I wanted to go in and have a browse.

I've only bought things out of neccesity... when I'm in Ibiza, I'd rather be on a beach or dancing rather than shopping.
so what kind of things do you buy while you're in ibiza and what are your favourite shops??

i went home with a winter jacket the last time i went. came in handy when we landed i can tell ya.

I usually buy t-shirts, t-shirts and more t-shirts.
a new earring upon arrival (annual tradition), a bottle of hierbas, a couple of new CDs, a t-shirt for someone back home, beach shoes of some sort... that's about it. Not much of a shopper, I guess!
the only time ive gone on shopping sprees in ibiza i've been slightly worse for wear... the t-shirt in space i left behind the counter and never picked up leaving, trips to buy aftershave late at night, present shopping for my nephew straight after being at a club (i bought him bert and ernie teddy bears but they are still in my room), 18 euro giant chuppa chup things, those cyberkid shops are always fun when your not quite all there (for about 2 minutes)

so not much help really :? im not up a lot during the day being perfectly honest...
Sunglasses - you can always get much better sunglasses in Ibiza :D Plus I normally lose a pair climbing into building sites and the like :roll:
oooh - its a bit like that game!

Last year I went to Ibiza and I bought...

1 hairdryer
sweeties from the sweetie shop
muchos helados
1 pair of flip flops
1 bongo
1 Ibiza 2007 calendar
2 Spanish children's books
I silver and turquoise bracelet
1 pair of shoes
1 set of underwear from Intimissi
1 pair of footless tights
1 Space t.shirt in Space
1 bottle of Hierbas
1 Ceramic dish

fave shops:
Natura (?) in Plaza de Parque
all clothes shops in Ibiza Town
beach shop at Jockey club
fancy furniture shop near the harbour
Leather shop just inside Dalt Villa

I would buy memorabilia t-shirts of various clubs (Pacha, Space, etc.), but only if they are of good quality. I would also purchase clothing brands that I cannot purchase in the US, and certain types of clothing that I cannot find in the US. Quality is very important to me. I would not spend $30 on a t-shirt if it was some Hanes mumbo jumbo.

Hope that helps.
apart from splashing out on something special such as pacha, space memorabilia. i think you'll find stephen that due to the fact people are on holiday, they kid themselves that the £40 that they've not been able to afford for their fav football shirt is now all of a sudden affordable.

same goes for CDs, clothes, all types of footwear, books, etc, etc
Lots of jewellary, usually from the stalls in Ibiza town.
I once bought a lovely leather coat & a pair of trousers from Mango.