SHM @ ushuaia

I got also one question. At the Office Ushuaia Website there are no Dates for SHM in September, but last Week it was possible to buy Tickets for that here.
So whats the point? Are there not there in Sept. or are there no more Tickets here available for 25€??

Please answer.
july and august works for their diaries and numbers on the island, sept they have other commitments and numbers on ibiza are generally lower, their main concern is their residency at pacha:)

Do they not realise that I was coming to see them? :lol:

Ah well. Back to the drawing board with the Wednesday plans then.
I just purchased tickets for 31st August. Looking forward to it.

I saw a teaser video on facebook from SHM and it said last party was 31 August.
I understand why they might have pulled out of those dates but its kinda frustrating for the people like me who bought tickets for the dates and wanted to support Ushuaia.

Arhh well more money for other parties.