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FRIDAY 17TH AUGUST 2012... yes you got it... THE IBIZA **** PARTY at the zoo in San Antonio Ibiza Get your fancy dress ready and bring the NOISE!!!! lets get messy ;-)


From Our Readers

Dear Ed,
I am writing to you to ask if you would be so kind as to inform all your readers
of the forthcoming Sh1t Party that is being held at the old Zoo at the top end
of Ses Paisses, just outside San Antonio and just past the Guardia Civil Police station,
on Friday this week, being August the 17th.

For those of your readers that are unaware, this is an annual event held during August
with the specific intention of raising loadsawonga for charity for the island.
It is basically a chance for loads of young guys an" gals to dress up (or down,
as the case may be!) who form most of the workers from all over the island
and the reason that it"s called the Sh1t Party is because if you ask them
"How"s your job?", the answer is "s**t! ;
"how"s your digs?", s**t! ;
"how"s your summer?", s**t!"

Seriously though, I have been privileged to have been invited for the last 3 years,
not only for "her indoors who must be obeyed" to judge the outfits, which are incredibly
stunning and very funny, and on one occasion as an Award presenter, but also,
though only He knows why, to add a bit of credibility to the occasion (yes, I know,
why me of all people?).

Last year we even inveigled Bob the Vicar and his wife Claire, to join us and an invitation
has been extended to them this year. Our erstwhile colleague Juan and his lovely wife
have also been invited and I have informed him that if he does not attend,
I will cease to support his worthy charity fund-raising events for the foreseeable future;
so there"s a challenge for you, Juan! Be there or be square!

It really is an amazing evening and all for a great cause, to such an extent that
these wonderful people have raised over €100 grand over the last 4 years
and on a personal note, I take my hat off to these workers who give up a whole day"s work,
including their wages, and a good deal of their time and effort to make this event
such a worthwhile success.

So, why not come and join us/them on Friday starting at 5.00 pm and stand by
to be amazed, and what"s more, all for a great cause.
Entrance fee is €20 at the gate so no need to book!
In anticipation, thanking you for including this in your paper and, of course,
it goes without saying that both you and Nick are invited.
With regards