Well if you're expecting Rising Star sort of music fom Armin on this album, it ain't it.
It's an artist album in full sense of the meaning, he made the tunes that he liked himself for them to be on CD, and you could say some aren't trance at all. But there's remixes queued up etc. If you want a home/beach/walk album this might be it, because it goes in various directions. If you're expecting a trance mix, or ASOT compilation this isn't it. Anyway we've had a lot of reviews over on Armin's forum http://forum.arminvanbuuren.com/viewtopic.php?id=3965
Thanks for the link, Fresh Prince Seemed to be pretty objective reviews... thought they would all be screaming with pleasure regardless because it is an AvB site.
I think I will pick it up. I have: 76; ASOT 04, ASOT 05, Boundaries of Imagination, Universal Religion 2004 (ungodly ) and enjoy them all, so this one will prolly be a nice investment.
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