

Active Member
Do you enjoy Shisha or would you never do it?

I have tried it and enjoy it, and have friends who don't smoke but will enjoy Shisha.
Kalyan, as it's called here, is extremely popular with the hipster crowd. Any trendy restaurant you go to will have some African student on staff whose job it is to go around lighting them up for people.

I have a few friends who are really into it. A couple of them so much so that after dinner and before clubbing they'll make a point of stopping off at a bar for a kalyan.

I smoke cigarettes s I usually don't see the point. :confused:
I don't smoke, but have tried it a few times. There are quite a few restaurants/ bars where I live that have Morbyd said, quite popular with the hipster crowd.
Weird that you posted this today :)

Tried it at Sandance in March and really liked it.

Went for lunch with a customer today and had the grape & mint flavour. Been feeling like crap ever since and had to have a nap when I got home!!

Weird that you posted this today :)

Tried it at Sandance in March and really liked it.

Went for lunch with a customer today and had the grape & mint flavour. Been feeling like crap ever since and had to have a nap when I got home!!


I smoked shisha today at a tea cafe, I'm feeling ok after smoking.;)