Sharing Accomodation!!!!


New Member

Im heading out to Ibiza with my friend Ciara( Im Scottish, shes Irish n we're both 19)
Iv bin lookin for accomodation for ages but cant seem to find anything cheap! i no iv prob left it a bit late!
IF anyone has any tips they could give me that'd be great or if anyone wants to join us n rent a bigger apartment to split the cost that'd also be great!!!


When r u both going to over to Ibiza?! Im looking to go mid may and finding it hard to find accomodation to, but would be up 4 sharing.

we're headin out on the 8th of june from belfast, we havent booked a hotel or anythin for the first wk or 2 that wat your doing?
Im not totally sure what 2 do at the min, think i might just hostel it or something until i can find some shared accomodation. What part of Ibiza u girls goin 2 be headin 2?
we're headin to San An, we wr there last year for a holiday n loved it!! we're booking into Hostal Anibal today from the 8th t the 27th of june, hope to have more accomodation set up by then!
wat part are you going to?
have you applied for any jobs or jst waiting til you get there?

sharing accomodation. Ibiza 08!!

Hi! we are 2 spanish girls 25 years old who want to go to ibiza for working and clubbing from may to september.We are now living in London.
We would like find english people for live in and then , we could help you with spanish tramits and language and we could continuous improving our english.
Our idea is rent a flat and enjoy the summer in Ibiza together. Would be nice!!
Someone interested??? :)
hOla from DUblin :)

Hey just read your post about looking for people to share with...Not English But the next best thing were IRISH, living in Dublin lol... Haading out on 24th May Staying for season... Were all up for a laugh and a summer of fun, 2 guys 1 girl... We have just been let down with accomadation and looking for some cool people to stay with who are up for a wild summer too...

Were relaxed, clean and fresh...

Wondering would ya's be interested because would love to improve our spanish also and share the season with a cool mix of people...

Would be great if you could get back to me

