Sharam: Party All the Time: Dan's official view

Dan x

Active Member
It's amazing.

a) I never knew the original. Now I investigated it, it (the original) is such an outstanding song I can;t believe I hadn;t heard it before. The very perfection of 80's style happy go lucky music.

The ultimate accolade of the tune is it could be placed in any film classics of that era, quite ananymously. Maybe it's the Eddie Murphy influence, though you could imagine it in anything from Police Academy, to Weekend at Bernies, to anything.

It's like every great 80's tune, all rolled into one.

b) It's Deep Dish. People will go nut's for it, especially the girls, and especially Ibiza. It's time like this you need to take your cynical hat off, cast away all negative views, and you'll have an uplifiting exploding experiences or moments which you may cherish for the rest of your days. Which is what it's all about IMO.

You won't have a whole night of borderline-cheesey euphoric numbers, though when this comes in against a backdrop of dark, maybe acidy/electro stuff, watch the roof go!

c) It's a "repeater" (i.e., loops and stuff). I can't wait to see what Morillo's (or Sharam!) doing to/with it.

No if's no buts: you KNOW this one's not getting played straight a to b no trickery ;)

d) Just DL'd a set from Miami WMC, which has Sharam playing this, and before it comes in, he cuts out all the music of the previous track, and plays a short (2-3 minute) extract from Eddie Murphys dilerious Stand Up tour, before bringing in the "wants to... wants to...", the crowd goes nuts, and it, quite frankly, has me pissing my pant on the walk from the trains station to work.

I'm just loving it now. Ask me in 6 months when it's been hammered by every bar no-mark and/or I haven't got the energy for the 11 minute work out that it is, and my love might have wained. But yeah, it works ;)

(oh, and apologies for the thread title. Tongue firmly in cheek on that ;) (but not the opinion of the song)
I can't believe you hadn't heard the original (how young are you?!) as it was played all over the radio state-side when it came out and must have made it to the UK.

Nevertheless, your analysis of the song's potential is very astute.

I was surprised to have quite enjoyed it the one time I heard it dropped in a club (courtesy of Pete Tong) despite my initial trepidation.

It will be interesting to see if this truly becomes one of the songs of the summer.
Morbyd said:
I can't believe you hadn't heard the original (how young are you?!) as it was played all over the radio state-side when it came out and must have made it to the UK.

I know. I was looking at the video thinking "I so should have already sen this, but I haven't."

Kind of like how an amnesiac feels when they forget their name.

I didn't even realise it was the Eddie Murphy til I saw it.

It' smade me realise how I just love pretty much everything he's ever done.

(Though I haven't seen Nutty Professor 2.)
Dan, youve gained all my respect yet again.. :lol:

I heard it at Hifi at some point and it went down very well.

Dont think Sy will agree with us though ;)
Yeah it's gonna be hammered all over in clubs in Ibiza!
Yeah we're gonna love it!

Chase the bitterness away - here comes Eddie !!!!! :p
Dan x said:
c) It's a "repeater" (i.e., loops and stuff). I can't wait to see what Morillo's (or Sharam!) doing to/with it.

FYI Morillo played this at Fabrik Madrid couple of weeks ago and he didn't do any special tricks with it. Just the ordinary volume down, sing-along thingie.

I also loved PATT when I heard it first time, now it starts to annoy me a little bit :)
zapa said:
FYI Morillo played this at Fabrik Madrid couple of weeks ago and he didn't do any special tricks with it. Just the ordinary volume down, sing-along thingie.

I also loved PATT when I heard it first time, now it starts to annoy me a little bit :)

Well you should stop hearing it too often then.
Dan x said:
Well you should stop hearing it too often then.
That's the thing, though, isn't it? I've heard it maybe twice at this point and only once in a club. I'm in a good place with the song right now, but 20,000 listens later I'll probably be as annoyed with it as I was when the original got played ad nauseum 20 years ago!
I have just heard this ( Thanks Dan ) and I think that while its not the most ground breaking of records, It has a certan something about it. It will sound excellent on the space terrace, but I think it will have a short shelf life, for me anyway.
Ive been racking my brain (whats left of it) as to who played this at Hifi, and it was definitely Morillo.
I asked about the whereabouts to this also (beatport, etc.), it is truly nowhere to be found. The only response to "where can I download on my thread" was "It's *#^$% don't download" basically. Heard it once in a mix, loved it, glad to see there's a few others!!!
Dan x said:
I know. I was looking at the video thinking "I so should have already sen this, but I haven't."

Kind of like how an amnesiac feels when they forget their name.

I didn't even realise it was the Eddie Murphy til I saw it.

It' smade me realise how I just love pretty much everything he's ever done.

(Though I haven't seen Nutty Professor 2.)

Even the adventures of pluto nash:?