

Active Member
Thinking of going pre closing parties to beat the rush - does anyone do this. Like middle of September - Seems a good time to go?

Thinking DC-10 defo - I have never been to Underground either so maybe that?

i've done it a few times....going 6th sept this year.....great time of the season to go in my view.
I always go in september , cheaper accomodation and still pretty hot most of the time. Have had some torrential rain storms midway through but never bad weather to ruin a trip
I went at the beginning of July last year and again in the middle/end of Sept for the closing parties. It rained non stop for 2 days... and i mean rained, it was quieter than i had ever been used to because i always go mid summer and it was freezing at night. I'm not going again in September, if i had wanted to be cold and wet i would have stayed in London.
...I'm not going again in September, if i had wanted to be cold and wet i would have stayed in London.

I've been there in August when it was wet and cooler than normal. I've also been in August when it was 40 degrees :eek:

I wouldn't write a whole month off just because you got a bum deal for 2 days out of your 7. Try flying to the Maldives - the holiday you've saved your ass off for all year - and have it rain ALL DAY for 7 days out of 9 :lol:

Hoops - beginning of September has always been reasonably good to me weather-wise. The later in the month you go the more chance you get of cloud and rain but this also means that everywhere is less rammed and as MiniMarc said your accommodation will be cheaper
Thanks peeps. I have been to closings twice - both excellent and excellent weather I might add but I would prefer early Sept and hopefully take advantage of some cheaper or free entrances!
Hoops - beginning of September has always been reasonably good to me weather-wise. The later in the month you go the more chance you get of cloud and rain but this also means that everywhere is less rammed and as MiniMarc said your accommodation will be cheaper

pretty much this - the weather has always been spot on when i have been early/mid sept.
Early September is the perfect time to go for us. Apart from the odd day of rain and magnificent thunderstorm, we have enjoyed terrific weather over the years.

Accomodation (& flights) are cheaper, quieter but plenty busy enough.

Basically as the others have said!
Id always been late july, start or middle of August. SO last year when we booked 2 weeks 2nd Sept I was worrying about it but it was the best time ive been. The weather was red hot, not a cloud in the sky for the 1st week. CLubs stlll busy but you can dance. Even dc10 was spacious. Weve booked 2nd Sept this year. Think ill always go this time
Early September is the perfect time to go for us. Apart from the odd day of rain and magnificent thunderstorm, we have enjoyed terrific weather over the years.

Accomodation (& flights) are cheaper, quieter but plenty busy enough.

Basically as the others have said!

Double ditto
Ive been end of june, mid july, mid august and the start of september and now we always go the veery end of august / start of september, never had a problem with weather, its easier to move about in clubs and its a lot cheaper!! Defo the best time to go
I went to Barcelona for the Aug bank hol in 09 and then got the ferry across to Ibiza for 10days. Gorgeous weather every single day, not a cloud in sight the whole time i was there.
A bit quieter than when i usually go in mid july but still a great atmosphere around the place.

As said its cheap too, i got flights and accommodation for 10 days for £250.

Will be heading back early sept this year too