Sepp Blatter - just shake hands

I dislike the man very much. His corrupt organisation is not going to get rid of him over this incident. I hope the players and clubs make a stand on this issue.

Easy to say something like he did when he's white, privileged and has never had to experience prejudice or racial abuse in his life.

He has since made a statement to say his words were "misunderstood".
I t is time for FIFA to make a change, if not it is time for a new football organization. What a joke Blatter is. I wonder if we can end hunger, war and famine with a hand shake.
I agree, he's sooo detrimental for the world of football, he's running such a corrupt agency and clearly with backward views, despite his stance on "we don't tolerate racism" - but then says something like this!

I really hope he gets forced to resign after this.
Can't bear the misogyny of football - or the sport itself - and can't even be ar$ed to spout cliches about how I'd like to be a fly on the wall in the changing rooms either. (pur-lease - they come across as so dull.) high-profile "out" gay footballer in recent times (who hung himself just by the way).

Racism on the pitch is just another strand of vileness. Let them get on with it. :rolleyes:

(and :lol: at that moment of catharthis)