Self taught Spanish


New Member
Has anyone on here ever self taught themselves spanish? I would love to learn but im working shifts at the moment that make classes impossible.:(

The open university courses are really expensive too, so i was wondering if the books, cd's and websites you can use are actually any good? If so can anyone reccomend any that are worth a purchase. Thanks.
I have done it, although i am no way near fluent i can now get buy and certainly i am okay for 'tourist' spanish. If your really interested i think thats the most important thing and there is a load of books available out there for beginners, for me the most important aspect was finding books which showed the pronunciation aswell as the written word.

I recently attended a night class in spanish but was a bit peeved as the teacher was teaching 'world' spanish with different pronunciation of words which i hear used in spain, so i packed it in.

A basic starter is the BBC, spanish for beginners, maybes start with some basic phrase books and also build up your knowledge of spanish words before progressing into learning about how to string sentences together etc.?
My mate used to get by in Venezuela when we worked there by just sticking o at the end of any english word, It sounded ridiculous but he got by qiute well. It was quite demoralising for those of us who actually made a serious attempt.
hey you should check out that rosetta stone language software, thats what i used and it got the job done prety good, mind you im not fluent in it. they have different levels of skill as well. i just got the beginners one! good luck!8)
Michel Thomas is the best, one hour and you'll be getting confident and have a basic gronding to build on. Do the whole eight CDs and you'll be able to say most of what you want. This doesn't mean that you'll understand the responses of course, that takes a lot longer.
I have tried several but Michel Thomas is the man! - best thing about him is there is no "learning", just listen. Good start is that you already know about 1,200 words eg anything ending with "tion" sounds similar in Spanish but spelt "cion" plus most words ending in "ance" or "ence" just for example "difference" becomes "diferencia", "possible and probable" become "posible and probable". Not 100% but a good start but his course is basically present tense in the singular and he pushes where to make the stress. My friends have a laugh at my efforts but I usually get myself understood.
Download Coffee Break Spanish off Limewire. There are about 40 x 15 minute units which are very good at basics. You can listen to them on ipod at work if possible.
Download Coffee Break Spanish off Limewire. There are about 40 x 15 minute units which are very good at basics. You can listen to them on ipod at work if possible.

Havent got Limewire but will have a google I think and see what I can get it for! How are you m8 anyway? Are you going this year?