Self-drive motorboat hire in Formentera


Well-Known Member
Anyone know if there's somewhere in the Port I can hire a small motorboat from for 1/2 a day operating from now ? I'd rather do this than rent a moped and have an RYA Powerboat 2 (ICC) if that's needed.

Any contact details would be welcome. Don't want anything too fancy just something to pootle around the island in.
We wait your review kima :) search that island for the trendy yoga farms where you will find the hottest yoga moms naked or in yoga pants.*If you play it,they will come*-:Kevin Costner, field of dreams.
I'm not on the island(s) ... yet ! See how things pan out this week. Who knows ;) ... just pays to be prepared when you're trying to sort stuff like this at short notice as it all seems to change so fast and this is one thing I've never done before over there.

Be good to have a number to call ahead before jumping on a ferry.