Security and stuff


New Member
Hi can anyone help me? I am coming to Ibiza this summer and have rented a villa for me and 10 mates the thing is we want to have a really big party and don't want any hassle! we have been told that it may be worth getting someone in as security types to keep the police at bay and stop gate crashers is there anyone on the island that can sort out that kind of thing or can anyone reccomend someone. We don't mind paying as long as they can do the job right!
Thanks in advance!!!! :D
there is a security company over here that I heard about a while back they do the security for mambo and have done villa parties. They are meant to be V.Good and from what I have been told they will really look after you. I will find out if they have an email address and post if for you - if not I will find the contact num and pm you with it
islandchild said:
there is a security company over here that I heard about a while back they do the security for mambo and have done villa parties. They are meant to be V.Good and from what I have been told they will really look after you. I will find out if they have an email address and post if for you - if not I will find the contact num and pm you with it

Also try Uphospitality - they have a website - its not hard to find but they do arrange private villa parties, decks, security, transport for the guests etc.... not too sure on the costs but I imagine they arent cheap... Good Luck