Secondlife Dance Event Thursday 6PM GMT / 10am PST Game Time

Darran McCarthy

New Member
Club TransmissionFM Live Dance Event in SecondLife This Thursday 22nd February 6pm GMT (10AM PST Game Time)

Club TransmissionFM proudly presents a Secondlife Dance Event This Thursday 6PM GMT 10am PST Game Time.
The Party kicks off at 6pm/10am with DJ Jay Walsh Live (however will not be present in virtual form) and from 7pm/11am Darran McCarthy will be live to the club in real time and in game for 2 and a half hours, then upsteps Channel 2 from 9:30pm/1:30pm with some Glitchy Techno

All that's needed to join Second Life and get to Club TransmissionFM is to download the software from and register as a citizen. There is a SLURL (Click the SLURL Link) (Second Life URL) that automatically launches the software and teleports your newly created avatar straight to the virtual club.

If you miss Darran's live show on every Thursday from 7PM GMT/2PM EST you can subscribe to the podcast, The podcast updates with every weeks show.
Click the Podcast Image above to subscribe with ITunes or RSS Feed

Official Site For Darran McCarthy