'Scouser Greg O'Halloran'

Ahhhh a wee search....


Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Salinas
Full Name: Greg O'Halloran
DOB: 01/09/81
From: greater liverpool!
Favourite Club: pacha, ibiza
favourite DJ: sasha
Favourite promoter: darren hughes
Favourite Pub: bar - keeper, ibiza
What car do you drive: renault clio about 12 years old, dump.
Married/Single/With someone: married
Partners name: alexis
Favourite position: seixante nou
Best friends name: various
Favourite food: mediterranean
Can you cook: yes, very well
Favourite drink: bourbons, southern comfort, JD, gintonic,
Alcohol or drugs: not much of either really, more booze these days i suppose
What newspaper do you read: guardian, online diario de ibiza, el pais
Favourite programme: the office, simpsons, any football
Favourite film: vanilla sky/abre los ojos, toy story, scarface
What makes you cry: injustice, seeing loved ones upset
Favourite colour: red
Favourite outfit: mahas and flipflops
Quick temper or plac!d: both, mainly highly strung tho
Longest time stayed out clubbing:
Best holiday/why: first time to ibiza, new york, milan
Favourite place: with my kids, baluard de santa lucia by night, palau nacional (bcn), montmatre, the kop
Bullied at school: only to the fat kids
Nickname: Grego 99% of time, others down the years have included, gregorio, teabag, two touch, pep, G, G-unit,G-force,G-spot, you get the idea
What yer mam calls yer when she's angry: feckin eejit!
Ha i'm sure he will thank you for digging that up.

First time I buy that rag in ages (a post hangover airport cure) and it's got that in.

The spelling error was v bad form & whilst obv a journo's junket at es vive turned into an article written for 5 year olds, it was good to see some decent publicity, as it was a positive article, better than teenagers on 60 hr binges.
i'm not a scouser, i don't run the site, he's misquoted me, he's made an absolutely criminal f*ck up on the name of the site ('ibetha' what, really?!).

****in NOTW.
i'm not a scouser, i don't run the site, he's misquoted me, he's made an absolutely criminal f*ck up on the name of the site ('ibetha' what, really?!).

****in NOTW.

Bit it p1ssed you right off mate and rightly so, but it is v. funny.

Reminds me of when San An's Xtian assholes claimed to reawakened my faith in God:lol:
NOTW readers have difficulty reading big words like Ibiza so the phonetic spelling is always easier for them. It was done on purpose it was no mistake. I know only too well that type of Journalist and they are all snakes in the grass. He had an agenda, so Grego, my advise is to watch your back.....

Here is a much better factual and journalistic piece on Grego and people who work and live in Ibiza.
NOTW readers have difficulty reading big words like Ibiza so the phonetic spelling is always easier for them. It was done on purpose it was no mistake. I know only too well that type of Journalist and they are all snakes in the grass. He had an agenda, so Grego, my advise is to watch your back.....

Here is a much better factual and journalistic piece on Grego and people who work and live in Ibiza.

yes, good article, does emma the holistic therapy at es vive, i think i got a very good back and shoulders from her last year.

are you suggesting the spelling error was on purpose and part of a wider agenda?:eek:
are you suggesting the spelling error was on purpose and part of a wider agenda?:eek:

the most amateur of Journalists would have spellcheck as would proof readers. It was an intentional spelling.

Those type of Journalists always have an agenda thats why its safer not to talk to them in the first place.
of course it was intentional..... if you check the link to the article you will see that they wrote IBIZA correctly there:

of course it was intentional..... if you check the link to the article you will see that they wrote IBIZA correctly there:


Yeah I saw they had spelt it correctly elsewhere. F ucked up idiots.