silvia said:
GazDaBomb said:
I got a scooter when i was 21 and ive never had a driving lesson of any kind, no provisional no nothing. id never sat on a scooter or anything motorised in my life. (I would not want to do it again it wasnt a good move!!!)
It was when i was staying in the ponienta, we asked about the scooters for rent in the reception area, we told them we had no licence, they made a phone call and an english woman came and picked us up in a mini bus and drove us to San An Bay down a residential street of the main road and rented us all scooters. all she wanted to see was our passports.
We did know at the time that it was illegal what she was doing
Illegal and dangerous. People think it's easy to drive a motorbike but it's not, you need training and you need to get confident enought to drive safely.
we all learnt our lesson that day. I was that nervous i was very sensible and gained confidance quite quickly but 2 of my friends fell of and one ended up with cracked ribs.
Dont get me wrong im not in any way boasting that we all got them without a licence and looking back it was just stupid, But now im older and wiser and learnt my lesson when it comes to scooters on holiday.
I would never recomend them to anyone