School reunions


Active Member
just had a message from freindsreunited that my old secondary school is having a closing down reunion...:lol:

part of me wants to turn up and see how the "incrowd' from my year have got on...
just had a message from freindsreunited that my old secondary school is having a closing down reunion...:lol:

part of me wants to turn up and see how the "incrowd' from my year have got on...

I wouldnt have pissed on my school/pupils/teachers if it was on fire..... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

...... worst days of my life - couldnt wait to get away and go to college...
No interest. I have kept and keep in touch with the people I wanted to and the rest can whistle. Not that neccesarily anything wrong with them etc just weren't interested then and certainly not now.
However not saying you shouldn't go as that is your call geez!
I went to one, it was quite amusing. Got hammered and copped off with one of the birds from my year.

Do a Peter Griffin, and turn up in a spacesuit with a cowboy hat on and a huge gold dollar hanging from your neck. That'll show 'em.
Never been to one.

I've kept in touch with the people I like. Some of my friends still keep in touch with about 50 people they went to school with!
didnt keep touch with anyone after, which led me to believe that all i was good for was to copy homework from.


might go and gloat tho. anyone know cheap places to hire out a ferarri and bitches?
I found an old book (quite a rare one) from my old school library a couple of years ago and decided to take it back one day....when i had an Aston Martin from my club ;)

Still in contact with quite a few people and see quite a few around every now and again...
school daze

Went to my reunion it was a laugh. I live abroad and have done so since I left uni so it was good to make contact with old school friends. I have to admit it was scary to see how far some have fallen:eek:
might go and gloat tho. anyone know cheap places to hire out a ferarri and bitches?
No, but Elliot Spitzer might be able to advise :lol:

Never been to a reunion (school or uni) but I'd love to at some point. Lot's of good people I've lost touch with. Would love to see how they're doing.

Plus I've done well enough that I won't feel inadequate :lol:
just had a message from freindsreunited that my old secondary school is having a closing down reunion...:lol:

part of me wants to turn up and see how the "incrowd' from my year have got on...

you clearly are only thinking about going cause you wanna do some sleazing
I've got the same predicament at the moment. Not interested in the slightest and will probably be a painful experience too. Although copping off does sound both plausible and relatively likely ( relative to reality ), pleasurable however, I'm not so sure.