Save My Liver


Active Member
Help - I am off to amsterdam with a pwopa tasty lot for three nights from Thursday.

Any suggestion what supplements are best given the timescale to make me not feel like complete death and retain my mojo?

Help - I am off to amsterdam with a pwopa tasty lot for three nights from Thursday.

Any suggestion what supplements are best given the timescale to make me not feel like complete death and retain my mojo?


Can't offer any medical advice, why not bite the bullet and just put up with the abuse and name calling for not drinking at the expected five pints(+) per hour rate?:D

This has been my m. o. on recent trips. I am happy to be called a big girls blouse etc whilst avoiding the near death experience that would normally by the toll.

I promise myself after each trip 'never again' but cannot resist saying "yes, chalk me up" when asked about an upcoming trip!

enjoy, and full reports when you are back to life :D:D
Swear by rehydration sachets nowadays. Asda own brand ones are fine. One before bed, one when I wake up, I'd say they cut the severity of my hangover by 50%. Or cocaine. :)
Dioralyte, contains sugars and salts needed to get your body back to correct electrolyte levels. When levels are low its harder to absorb water needed to rehydrate. Similar to what previous poster advised. Normally used for treatment of dioreahea. It works.