saturday night live edm parody

'This is not a joke.' This is not a parody but 'self disclosure' of the occult global elite.

We have done a detailed analysis of this.

Don't fall for their bullshit. They are clever and they use their knowledge of how the mind works to fool you and to make fun of you but you have just as much potential to be clever as do they.

Obviously some of you are now waking up to the very very sad truth. The truth will set you free and make you stronger. Believe us....we know.

If any of you need to talk then we are here for you privately or otherwise. We know how painful and disorienating it is to come to terms with such a huge shift in awareness. It might feel like you are losing your mind and in a way you are but it is not a permanent thing. It is just a massive adjustment and all the conflicts in your mind telling you it can't be true, it must be true and back and forth. It is the tranistion from denial to acceptance that is the hardest part. Please talk to us if you need to or talk to friends and family. Good sleep helps a lot and so does knowledge. Knowledge is power so keep on learning. They know this only too well. It is about time the situation was equalised.
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We have to tell you that you will not find the truth about the video above anywhere other than from us. There are a few sites that discuss the Illuminati in the music industry in general, there are a few videos that discuss Satanism at festivals and there's one man who talks vaguely about it. But you will not find other people who have done a detailed analysis of this video or videos like it. You will find many websites and blogs talking about the video right now as it is new but they all parrot off the same garbage that it is purely a parody. They exclude all the blatant Illuminati references and the hidden agenda. There is no way so many music and general journalists could miss these things. We believe they have been forwarded the video and told the basic points to state and to do their own personalised filler. In other words, the media is not to be trusted. Vigilant Citizen is probably your best bet but they cover the subject in general and don't focus on EDM. New websites and blogs are also safer than older ones as they will be less likely to have been hijacked or bought.

You will even struggle to find anything said about this video or anything to do with EDM amongst the big truther seeking websites or blogs. We have many times tried to get them to start to take notice but they have brushed us off. The Illuminati pays big truthers to keep barking up the wrong tree and ignore the right one.

The Illuminati knows that if they flood the internet with many reviews that all sound more or less the same then you will assume the reviews are the truth so when you are presented with a view such as ours you say, 'That's rubbish...look what everyone else is saying.'

Like everything else, get your stuff from the little people and that includes news and views.

You are learning and that is empowering.