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Ola August party people , if fancy a meetup in front of bora bora beach bar entance door on saturday 10th august (it's also in front Cafe vinas y tapas:Ibiza2013 is the wifi code
from the wifi network called Vinasxxxx; where all the RPs gather) on saturday afternoon around 2.00Pm-3h00Pm?
Give a shout
I'm already in touch by PM with 3 members but if other people want to join, it will be cool.
I plan to sit on the beach in front of bora bora beach close to Workers Ants Flag (in the foreground of bora bora bora 's dj booth ) with drinks from supermarket (will be pleased to share, got more in cooler's car if it lacks some beverage..) , we can also have drinks in bora bora bar later..For the people that will come later, don't worry the meeting spot will be on the beach around ants flag (i will carry my drum as usual if want to spot me among crowd)
Then we'll chat & depending on people, some stuuf can be planned for the day or other days.
I Don't have the august schedule parties for now on minds
On saturday, there is one free party in big club (can go , takes pictures & left 1 hours later lol, talk about it when there , )
Daytime Free party at ushuaia tower?
Ants party b4 4pm at ushuaia i guess for Free Entrance..
A drink in km5 around midnight?ibz town?bars in PDB late?open to any suggestion ..People will follow depending on their like....
Well ,can suggest many stuuf to do before ibz trip & things will be highlight once there.
C'mon, Let's Rock Bora bora beach

Give a shout
I'm already in touch by PM with 3 members but if other people want to join, it will be cool.
I plan to sit on the beach in front of bora bora beach close to Workers Ants Flag (in the foreground of bora bora bora 's dj booth ) with drinks from supermarket (will be pleased to share, got more in cooler's car if it lacks some beverage..) , we can also have drinks in bora bora bar later..For the people that will come later, don't worry the meeting spot will be on the beach around ants flag (i will carry my drum as usual if want to spot me among crowd)
Then we'll chat & depending on people, some stuuf can be planned for the day or other days.
I Don't have the august schedule parties for now on minds
On saturday, there is one free party in big club (can go , takes pictures & left 1 hours later lol, talk about it when there , )
Daytime Free party at ushuaia tower?
Ants party b4 4pm at ushuaia i guess for Free Entrance..
A drink in km5 around midnight?ibz town?bars in PDB late?open to any suggestion ..People will follow depending on their like....
Well ,can suggest many stuuf to do before ibz trip & things will be highlight once there.
C'mon, Let's Rock Bora bora beach

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