each thursday in summer sees an art and craft market in the town square of san miguel and folk dancing at the church. the market starts at 18.00 and the dancing 18.15 to 19.00
the market is quite relaxing - not so claustraphobic as las dalias and es cana, less noisy too, and most of the products actually come from ibiza. there's artworks, honey, natural products, pottery and so on
here's matt and rebecca's stall
and here, the old and the new, a little folk dancer, sending an all important txt msg
the market is quite relaxing - not so claustraphobic as las dalias and es cana, less noisy too, and most of the products actually come from ibiza. there's artworks, honey, natural products, pottery and so on
here's matt and rebecca's stall

and here, the old and the new, a little folk dancer, sending an all important txt msg