San Antonio VS Santa Eulalia October !!??


New Member
Ok,I need a wee bit help,think I'm defo booking up for a week with my mum either 16th Oct or 19th,I love San An and I was just there in Sept but don't know if I should try Santa Eulalia for something different,any thoughts ??What will the weather be like,is it still sun bathing material lol ??

Basically my mum wants a break & doesn't like long flights so I thought Ibiza perfect,just a little worried about weather so trying to book last min,my mum is a sun worshipper!!Thinking of staying at the Blau Park in San An or Santa Eulalia options were Tropic Garden or Ses Estaques Hotel ??The prices have already went up though booooo :( As long as it's not completely dead we only plan on sunbathing,chilling,dinner,maybe a couple of bars,I don't want to be bored as I'm used to the busy summer times !!I'm 31 & my mum is 61 and we're flying from Glasgow,we'll be there 4 my mums birthday too so any nice restaurant suggestions would be great :)

Any other suggestions on what to do at this time of year especially if its a rainy day ??
I like in SE and its still nice and busy now, theres still people sunbathing on the beach and plenty of bars and restaurants are open. Santa Eulalia tends to stay open more than San Antonio over the winter as theres a lot of full time residents here.

I've been to San An in October around now, just after closing parties and it was still busy, not like the peak season but not dead either, so take your pick. Personally, I'd pick SE for your Mum rather than San An.