Saga Bedouin @ PACHA 2024 - Reviews & Reports


First Saga of the season for me. As said before been on a journey with this party after being a bit neutral in 2022, and then finally getting it in 2023. Thankfully, it’s even better than last year.

Firstly, while it’s secondary to the music, I thought the theming was slightly toned down over last year (for the better). The dancers, performers were there but just not as many so for me I preferred it. Also, it may have been said before but the Pacha ceiling light screens now extend into the table areas so it’s even more impressive than before.

Crowd was brilliant again, and breaks the myth that this party is geared towards more mature folks. Of course lots of 30/40s there, but there are a lot of younger folks, totally into it with no phones! Great to see Koze playing to a pretty young crowd.

DJ Koze was as solid as ever, and actually had the crowd going very early - the most I’ve seen at this night. Have personally found the guest DJs to sometimes hold back a bit.

This from Koze sounded very good…

Bedouin came on at 3am, and slightly more on the subtle side (which again I liked). For me they are playing better than ever. I love that they just aren’t standing still with their sound, something that could be said of say Keinemusik. However, it’s still Bedouin but just chunkier faster beats.

Never had Shazam on so a few that I knew…

At the right point in the night, this was beautiful

And of course, this had to come on too…
Nice to hear Saga is still maintaining the vibes and music quality they built during the last couple of years.
Hopefully I'll be there next week or the one after that to see it myself.
Ok , next try in September. As written before , the sound was partwise not what I expected. Maybe I had a bad evening or bad mood ?
I think I will have a nice evening there in September.
Btw : As you have written : Crowd was very nice. Every age , every kind of persons. No phones. No Mr Guetta close by.
Btw : As you have written : Crowd was very nice. Every age , every kind of persons. No phones. No Mr Guetta close by.

Yep. I never usually mention the age of the crowd in Ibiza - but there is a myth that Bedouin = older folks - and it was anything but that. Proper mixed aged crowd.
I thought I'd add to this review as I also attended the same night (Koze/Bedouin - June 12)

Mr_Why summed it up perfectly—a fantastic night. Koze could shift his sound, playing tracks like Adam Ports' recent release 'Move'.

Bedouin were phenomenal. I knew most of the tracks which meant a ton of dancing, for the ones I didn't, Shazam was in handy. When playing back the tracks I shazamed, I note how different they are from the version I heard in the club, truly demonstrating Bedouin's effects and mixing skills. Mr_Why spot on with Amana being the track of the night!

For anyone looking to get into Bedouin's sound or interested in a Wednesday night at Pacha - check out Bedouin Oct 4, 2023 or Saga Ibiza Closing - Sept 30, 2018 on SoundCloud (the latter during their residency at Heart Ibiza). IMO the duo have shifted their sound at Pacha (not dramatically, but slightly) away from 'minimal desert' towards a more lyric-heavy '2024' melodic Francis Mercier / Keinemusik vibe. Take from that what you want, but I think it works for the club as it fills a void.

Crowd great. Nobody is pushing, and if you want to be upfront and close, go for it, nobody is going to stop you here! Agree with Mr_Why, there seemed to be fewer dancers this year. There was a more eerie vibe this year compared to last (note a Zombie looking figure laying down in a bed suspended from ceiling)

Also - what has happened to the garden?? Seems Pacha has opted for an ultra-lux feel, Rolls Royce star roof all over the flooring, seating has all changed and weirdly faces the middle of the garden, as if to open up a non-existent dance floor. Where are the beautiful boutiques of last year, the swinging chairs, the bohemian sofas? What a shame. Paid an Ibiza record €28 for Tequila Soda too.

I think I'll stay indoors with Bedouin next time :)

Amazing night.

La Troya at Bedouin?

Not the exact remix, but when this played it went nuts

Probably heaviest sound of the night

Couldn't describe Bedouin's sound anymore...
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I thought I'd add to this review as I also attended the same night (Koze/Bedouin - June 12)

Mr_Why summed it up perfectly—a fantastic night. Koze could shift his sound, playing tracks like Adam Ports' recent release 'Move'.

Bedouin were phenomenal. I knew most of the tracks which meant a ton of dancing, for the ones I didn't, Shazam was in handy. When playing back the tracks I shazamed, I note how different they are from the version I heard in the club, truly demonstrating Bedouin's effects and mixing skills. Mr_Why spot on with Amana being the track of the night!

For anyone looking to get into Bedouin's sound or interested in a Wednesday night at Pacha - check out Bedouin Oct 4, 2023 or Saga Ibiza Closing - Sept 30, 2018 on SoundCloud (the latter during their residency at Heart Ibiza). IMO the duo have shifted their sound at Pacha (not dramatically, but slightly) away from 'minimal desert' towards a more lyric-heavy '2024' melodic Francis Mercier / Keinemusik vibe. Take from that what you want, but I think it works for the club as it fills a void.

Crowd great. Nobody is pushing, and if you want to be upfront and close, go for it, nobody is going to stop you here! Agree with Mr_Why, there seemed to be fewer dancers this year. There was a more eerie vibe this year compared to last (note a Zombie looking figure laying down in a bed suspended from ceiling)

Also - what has happened to the garden?? Seems Pacha has opted for an ultra-lux feel, Rolls Royce star roof all over the flooring, seating has all changed and weirdly faces the middle of the garden, as if to open up a non-existent dance floor. Where are the beautiful boutiques of last year, the swinging chairs, the bohemian sofas? What a shame. Paid an Ibiza record €28 for Tequila Soda too.

I think I'll stay indoors with Bedouin next time :)

Amazing night.

La Troya at Bedouin?

Not the exact remix, but when this played it went nuts

Probably heaviest sound of the night

Couldn't describe Bedouin's sound anymore...

Welcome to the forum! Amazing review BTW. Where else you been, I want to hear more.

Re. Pacha Garden. I was a bit unsure on the new garden area at first, but those little seat enclaves mean you will end up speaking to tons of random people and groups - and that’s always the fun of Ibiza! I think that area could start to become the best chill out space in any club very soon.
Which garden are you guys talking about?
The one on the roof (not opened last year and the year before on Saga nights) or the little one on the dance floor level, previously VIP garden?

Great review @Ibiza_Islander! 😎
For various reasons I haven't been able to go this year yet but soon this will be rectified.
Which garden are you guys talking about?
The one on the roof (not opened last year and the year before on Saga nights) or the little one on the dance floor level, previously VIP garden?

What was the VIP Garden. It’s had a huge re-furb this season.
A month late since the opening night but finally managed to get down to Saga yesterday.
I got there quite late around 2:30 am so I didn't really see much of Dennis Cruz but he certainly build the energy up for Bedouin which came at their usual slot at 3:00 am.
Musically I didn't think they sounded that different from the previous seasons at Pacha, maybe a bit more vocal tracks but for me it was the typical Bedouin sound I'm used to with that groovy bass line that really gets you going.
In terms of crowd, I have to agree with @feynman it felt slightly different from the usual and I think this was mainly down to a definite increase of younger clubbers there which sometimes can bring a totally different vibe but in general quite a friendly atmosphere with people going for it.
After seeing a few videos of past events I was dreading the "phones issue" but I was surprised that it wasn't that bad at all.
I thought it was actually busier than usual too which again can affect the mood but hopefully with the return of Fisher on the island soon things will be balanced again.
Yeah , the Pacha crowd generally is more friendly as in DC10 or Hi , in my opinion. Phones are not a big problem there at most nights. Dont know how it is when a EDM Dj plays. For me the middle sized clubs like Pacha or Chinois , or the smaller one like Akasha are the chosen ones. Better bookings ( in most cases ) , better crowd. Its ok to go to Fisher or Guetta if you want to. You have to think : Most people are hearing mainstream radio at home , at work , when driving a car and so on . Thats what they know , what they get used to. And suddenly they shoud be addicts for underground electronica or early Hüsker Dü punk ? Surely not. They get what they want. Its ok.
Yeah , the Pacha crowd generally is more friendly as in DC10 or Hi , in my opinion. Phones are not a big problem there at most nights. Dont know how it is when a EDM Dj plays. For me the middle sized clubs like Pacha or Chinois , or the smaller one like Akasha are the chosen ones. Better bookings ( in most cases ) , better crowd. Its ok to go to Fisher or Guetta if you want to. You have to think : Most people are hearing mainstream radio at home , at work , when driving a car and so on . Thats what they know , what they get used to. And suddenly they shoud be addicts for underground electronica or early Hüsker Dü punk ? Surely not. They get what they want. Its ok.

Different strokes for different folks...
Went back to Saga yesterday and I'm glad to say we got our party back!
it felt less busiy than last time I went and that makes such a difference as people really gets into it without all that pushing about resulting in a much more friendly atmosphere all enjoying some great music.
Went back to Saga yesterday and I'm glad to say we got our party back!
it felt less busiy than last time I went and that makes such a difference as people really gets into it without all that pushing about resulting in a much more friendly atmosphere all enjoying some great music.

Amazing. I know I could look, but who were the guests?