Safe flying solo?

foxy fifi

New Member

I am thinking of going to work in ibiza for the summer, but im going to be on my own. Is it safe enough on your own, and is accomodation cheaper or more expensive on your own?

ill be heading over on my own from belfast!! but im not leaving prob till the end of june as i have an exam! i find out what date the exam is on2morro so i am booking the ticket on thursday once i find what date i can go! if your intrested in metting up and trying to head over on the same time it might work out a bit cheaper. sure pm me if ur interested.
Its perfectly safe,..i met plenty who did it last year, but nish is right it does work out more exspensive on your own, but its no prolemo becuase when ever u head out u'll make plenty of friends with other workers who 9 times outa 10 have or knows someone with room @ there apartment.

When working out there last summer i stayed @ Hostel Horizonte @ 20 euros a night,..just to give u an idea if u shared with one more person it worked out @ 18 Euros a night.

but i ended up finding 3 other workers who had a spare bed,...and stayed there @ 60 Euros a Week !!!

I highly recommend doing it,...u'll have the best time of your life, FACT!!

may see u out there 8)
was gonna reply but makka has said it all

its perfectly safe flying over on your own, done it loads of times, and as soon as you land you meet soo many people there for the same reasons as you you'll make friends straight away

go for it, you'll love it