Roommate(s) for June, 2007!


New Member
Hey everyone,

I'm flying out to Ibiza on 7th June from stanstead and staying in a hotel in San An bay until 14th, i'm looking for people who might be interested in sharing a flat for the season. Im travelling out there alone so I'm pretty keen to meet people and get stuck into the lifestyle really, hoping to find a place in San Antonio Bay.

If anyone wants to meet up and go out for couple of drinks then send me a message and maybe we can catch up over there........ it will save me having to explain to people why im standing in a club in the middle of bar street by myself :)

If anyone from Northants or Herts is flying out about that time, let me know.

feel free to check out my myspace;

or add me to msn or send an e-mail;

Have a great summer!

hey all im on the island the now, just got accomodation sorted its the one thing that is scarce this year, so everyone should meet up soon as they arrive and get sharing to get accom sorted

Powerwilly rocks ibiza hard
hiya powerwilly, why is accomodation scarce this year? rv there thar many workers there?

Hey lisa happy days, ibiza is fcuking magic youl love it when ya get here girl. At the moment theirs more prs than their is tourists/holidaymakers its fcuking wicked this weekend should be the first influx of da holidaymakers just in time for da opening parties.

Dont know why their a shortage of accomodation, theirs still loads of room though at the hostals if ya dont get anyone else to share, so youl be fine. theirs loads of jobs going on da island, not getting one at the moment just enjoying getting hammered and dancing like a maniac.

Going to Space on the 3rd for da opening party, gonna be mental. c ya hon when you arriv on da 14th july, give ya a bell and let you know the script and get you into da party mode of da island

Powerwilly rocks ibiza hard xx
Hi mate
i will be out there from next sat 9th. I am 31 year old Liverpool lad who will be on his own. Ime staying in the Bay . I would like to mmet up with you for a few drinks I would appreciate it mate. Ime into the club side
Hiya Powerwilly luv, Just to let you know its the 21st July i arrive not the 14th, i wish it was then tho!!!!xxx