Roomie/Travel Bud 4 Early June


New Member
Alright boys and girls.I'm going to ibiza to work this summer but cant go til early june cause of university , so if any1 out there fancies going down around that time, with a 21 yr old dude from leicester, send a reply or email.
I'm in a similar situation, 22yo from the beautiful city of leics. I'm off on June 7th to meet my gal and her mates and to look for work.

I'm on this site fishing for jobs.
Hey mate I'd love to fly to ibiza in that start of june with you...I'm looking for roomates u have a place to live ? and could u help me find a job aswell ? :p hehe
I'm from israel btw
rooms, accomm help

i am in the same situation as you guys, desperatly wanna find a job asap, before i go out there but i have learnt that this is very hard!

If anyone could give me some advice or info on accommodation or jobs. im going solo to so if anyone is flying out begginning of june let me no


i have found a hostal available from 8th june for 10 nights the cost works out (based on 2 sharing) at 109 GB pounds each this is only jus over a tenner a night... giving me 10 days to look for a job.

anyone up for it? its situated in the centre of san antonio as well.

let me no asap as times runnin out i would love to book it now but the rooms based on 2 sharing an im going alone at the mo

amy x