Rolling Stones tickets :o(


Active Member
I've been trying to buy 2 Rolling Stones tickets for my parents for Christmas, but the ones on Ticketmaster are a scam! If you buy a ticket you HAVE to join up to the Rolling Stones fanclub too, at a cost of £65!! I tried buying 2 tickets at a cost of £90 each (which is an extortionate price anyway!) and Ticketmaster whacked on an extra hundred on quid just for joining the fanclub :evil:

It takes the p1ss! It seems unless you're mega rich and able to spend hundreds of pounds on tickets there's no chance of ever seeing the band :rolleyes: :x
Harsh beans!

Shocking behaviour, especially at Christmas.

Heard nothing but horror stories from Ticket master and the like. Massive fee's etc which are non-refundable on event cancellations.

Sounds like something made for Watchdog in all seriousness.

High profile band etc.
so what do you think about paying €60 to listen to a bloke playing records?
stephen said:
so what do you think about paying €60 to listen to a bloke playing records?

Haha, a bit of a niave over-simplification from our favourite Nightclub-hater, don't ya think?!
x-amount said:
stephen said:
so what do you think about paying €60 to listen to a bloke playing records?

Haha, a bit of a niave over-simplification from our favourite Nightclub-hater, don't ya think?!
Yes, because usually there's at least 2-3 people playing records over the course of the night.

Plus there's decorations and promotion to pay for. ;)
I have to say I do like the Rolling Stones new track (and I havent liked anything of theres since Paint it Black....
becks, im sure that if you go into tower records or somewere like that you can buy the tix over the counter.

ticketmaster are rubbish, as indeed are most ticket agencies.

booking fees, credit card fees, service charges, postage charges and a cartel.

forget watchdog, im sure i read recently that Office Of Fair Trading are looking into official charges against them
puppylover said:
I have to say I do like the Rolling Stones new track (and I havent liked anything of theres since Paint it Black....

so only the last 40 years then PL :lol: :lol: :lol:
puppylover said:
grego said:
puppylover said:
I have to say I do like the Rolling Stones new track (and I havent liked anything of theres since Paint it Black....

so only the last 40 years then PL :lol: :lol: :lol:


come on!! have you not seen 'jumpin jack flash' with whoppi goldberg, don't tell me u weren't up boppin with her when that tune is jackin her living room.
grego said:
puppylover said:
grego said:
puppylover said:
I have to say I do like the Rolling Stones new track (and I havent liked anything of theres since Paint it Black....

so only the last 40 years then PL :lol: :lol: :lol:


come on!! have you not seen 'jumpin jack flash' with whoppi goldberg, don't tell me u weren't up boppin with her when that tune is jackin her living room.

Unless I was under the influence of a shed load of narcotics, then a big fat NO... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Although I do believe I admitted to Drew a few weeks back than I had had a sneaky half bean at a client night out and danced to Tiffany (oh the shame....... :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: )
Morbyd said:
x-amount said:
stephen said:
so what do you think about paying €60 to listen to a bloke playing records?

Haha, a bit of a niave over-simplification from our favourite Nightclub-hater, don't ya think?!
Yes, because usually there's at least 2-3 people playing records over the course of the night.

Plus there's decorations and promotion to pay for. ;)

so, paying to see five blokes play their own compositions (except most of their early stuff ripped from black american bluesmen) could be considered fairly good value.

btw xamount i've probably forgotten more about dance music and clubs than you know now - i reckon i had 25 years start on you!
Morbyd said:
Yes, because usually there's at least 2-3 people playing records over the course of the night.

Plus there's decorations and promotion to pay for. ;)

erm... There's 2-3 plus menbers of the rolling stones. They'll probably have a support act, big stage production, light show and quite a hefty promotional bill...

i'm not against nightclubs but think stephens got a point or were you being sarcy?
kes said:
Morbyd said:
Yes, because usually there's at least 2-3 people playing records over the course of the night.

Plus there's decorations and promotion to pay for. ;)

erm... There's 2-3 plus menbers of the rolling stones. They'll probably have a support act, big stage production, light show and quite a hefty promotional bill...

i'm not against nightclubs but think stephens got a point or were you being sarcy?
Found out. :oops: :lol:

It was, in fact, a vain American attempt at the distinctly British art of sarcasm :lol:

Guess I'll stick to being arrogant and defensive... the things we excel at :lol:
stephen said:
so, paying to see five blokes play their own compositions (except most of their early stuff ripped from black american bluesmen) could be considered fairly good value.

btw xamount i've probably forgotten more about dance music and clubs than you know now - i reckon i had 25 years start on you!


Ok, here we go...

Firstly, I can't believe a man like yourself would post such a " I know more about music than yao" post. Really .Read the quote back to yourself? What were you thinking? ON the hierbas? Or will you just throw the "I was only winding you up" joker card? A first time for everything, I suppose.

Secondly, I doubt you are correct, despite your many advanced years. Obscure spanish folk music, sure. Dance, perhaps not. You don't know me, and anyone who knows me on this board know my 3 skills lie in Music knowledge, Microsoft Excel, and a third which I can't mention. In that order.

So, after you've tried to belittle me, I suppose your next step will be to "show off" and reel of all these "facts" which you, as a Dance Music encyclopaedia will know. Perhaps how I don't know Dance music wouldn't exist without x or y. Go ahead. Enlighten me. Tell me all you've "forgotten", if you can. Your type are two-a-penny on internet music boards, and frankly, you're an idiot for saying you know better than someone you don't even know. Especially me. Fact.

Thirdly, I didn't say you don't know about music. I say you hate nightclubs. Are you going to deny that? With a comment like "listen to a bloke playing records", you don;t sound like anyone too enthusiastic, or even knowledgeable about what a nightclub is. And you are IMO (as in other threads) in some obscure denial about their impact on the island. Of course the obvious answer would be to bow to your all-encompassing knowledge of the island, what being a resident and all, but you do tend to be rather overly protective of your fellow adopted country.

Back to the original point, which you clearly sidestep, the probelm was that ticket people sneakily forced you to pay an extra £65 per ticket. Now, in comparison to your throwaway "listen to a bloke playing records" comment, it's not a fair comaprison at all.

A nightclub has much more other attractions (design, drinks, atmosphere I could go on), that for many people, the dj is a pretty low priority.

Stop me if I'm wrong.

Oh, and away you go, educate me on what a open minded man like yourself KNOWS I don't know. Go on, try and keep it objectively factual though, please.

I mean, really...

(Don't mean to be harsh. I stay out of Mckrakin's "Where am I" threads, as I know nothing about Ibiza scenery. I suggest you do the same with the music forum?)

Stil, as long as we're not taking things too serously, eh?

i don't know whether to be shocked or amused by the above outburst.

as you appear to have all the bases covered for any reply i could make i won't bother.