Robert Dyas


Active Member
Really great place to buy a toaster.

Anyone else bought a toaster recently?

Please tell me some funny stories about toasters.

(still at my laptop)
I am actually, no lie, crying with laughter with whats going on, if you lot could see me now, its something out of a horror show seeing mascara is running down my face :lol:
These supermarket gags are great Rob. And toasters! You wag! You should do the same with teasmaids.........oh, erm, hang on a minute etc etc

My toaster is a Dualit.

It's cream and chrome

One day I hope to save enough money to buy the food processor that matches.
I don't eat toast. My toaster is in a box up on top of the kitchen cabinets. Couldn't even tell you the brand.
My older sister was cooking brunch for her now husbands family at our house. I was 12 or 13 at the time. I would turn the toaster to the longest setting when she was not looking she burned loads of toast before she caught me turning the timer up and down.:oops: Needless to say my dad was not happy with me and I got in trouble.