Robbed in playa d bossa


Well-Known Member
A couple of little S*its (pardon my language) decided to robb me on my way back to my hotel from Bora Bor yesterday. It was quite early. There were 3 of them, I was speaking to one of the them (as you do) then another two ran past and grabbed my wallet. Swines. Anyway, of course I gave chase (had quite a bit of energy after being at Bora Bora) which resulted in me falling several times. Onlookers ignored my "stop thief" pleas and eventually they got away. Anywayy, I find them at a car on the main street. I gave hem the option of giving me back my wallet otherwise I'd go the police. At this point they got nervous and got into their car and drove away (almost running me over in the process). I remembered the number plate (apart from the last number) and got my hotel to call the police. The police were little help saying that as I didnt have the full number there was nothing they could do - lasy barstewards. Anyway after all the falls I can barely move today and as a result I am shacked up in my hotel unable to go to Space - fuming. Hopefully I'll make DC10 tomorrow but not at the current rate of pain I wont. So at least two days of my break ruined. My only regret was I did just attack them when I had them at the car - there were 3 of them.

Ironically, I was heading home as I had run out of cash and thankfully I took all my cards out of my wallet previously so did not lose much other than the number of a fit burd I met a Bora Bora - more angry about that than anything!

They were English so presumably the car was hired so I cant see how the police would not have traced it. Anyway life goes on - no point about dwelling over it.

So, be careful!
When I was in Hed Kandi some woman tried severral times if I had my wallet in my back pocket. I didn't but it didn't stop her anyways.
A couple of little S*its (pardon my language) decided to robb me on my way back to my hotel from Bora Bor yesterday. They were English so presumably the car was hired.
Unfortunately another sad reason why i no longer livein the UK the chances are that those guys were enjoying a benefits break holiday paid for by the British tax payer

So, be careful!

It's one thing telling us to be careful but another when their are three of them and a lone geezer like yourself goes in search of them thus why risk injury or being stabbed to death just for some 'birds' telephone number:eek:

On saying that here's hoping despite your aches & pains you get to continue enjoying the rest of your holiday?
I would say that these things are quite rare. It is hard to trace vehicles from part registrations even on a small island, but never having any contact with the Spanish police I cannot comment on their alledged apathy.

I would however, always take out the cash that I need for that night and leave all my other cards etc at the hotel.

Not saying that you have not taken precautions, but it is a reminder to all other Spotlighters that these things do happen. On the other hand, I went to Pacha last week with 4 ton in me sky and didnt get robbed thankfully.
Unfortunately another sad reason why i no longer livein the UK the chances are that those guys were enjoying a benefits break holiday paid for by the British tax payer

Never assume - middle class people can be (unts too. ;)
Sad to hear your tale. Good to know you didn't lose too much.

I didn't post on my review thread but... in Bora Bora last Monday, a girl picked up my wife's handbag that was on top of one of those blue tables from right under her nose. My wife leapt up shouting "Excuse me, excuse me that's my bag!". Lots of people looked and the English girl said "Oh sorry I thought someone had left it, I was just going to hand it in" returned the handbag and immediately left. She may have been genuine but it made us extra vigilant for the rest of the hol.
I didn't post on my review thread but... in Bora Bora last Monday, a girl picked up my wife's handbag that was on top of one of those blue tables from right under her nose. My wife leapt up shouting "Excuse me, excuse me that's my bag!". Lots of people looked and the English girl said "Oh sorry I thought someone had left it, I was just going to hand it in" returned the handbag and immediately left. She may have been genuine but it made us extra vigilant for the rest of the hol.
And the moral of your story and freakstar's above?

Be as vigilant in Ibiza as you would in any other urban area or holiday resort :lol:

While the island is magical, many people are not! :lol: Nothing unique here... if you leave stuff around or talk to strangers in a dark alley, things can go wrong no matter where you are!
There are some people visiting Ibiza that are walking around with a hell of a lot of cash in their pockets and handbags so it's no wonder people are going to get mugged.
I met somebody here years ago that made his living by thieving. I didn't like him at all. His mate told me that the guy had stolen a handbag in KU that had the equivalent of about 2000 quid in it.
And the moral of your story and freakstar's above?

Be as vigilant in Ibiza as you would in any other urban area or holiday resort :lol:

Agreed. Street mugging used to be considered a serious crime in the uk, not any more. The police now look down at people for wearing expensive items as 'asking for it' these days.
There are some people visiting Ibiza that are walking around with a hell of a lot of cash in their pockets and handbags so it's no wonder people are going to get mugged.
One reason why I'm always telling people on here that, in the 21st century, we have these amazing little plastic cards that let you take out small amounts of cash each time you visit the magic bank machine! :lol:
One reason why I'm always telling people on here that, in the 21st century, we have these amazing little plastic cards that let you take out small amounts of cash each time you visit the magic bank machine! :lol:

not quite so amazing when you're trying to score microdots on a beach
A couple of little S*its (pardon my language) decided to robb me on my way back to my hotel from Bora Bor yesterday. They were English so presumably the car was hired.
Unfortunately another sad reason why i no longer livein the UK the chances are that those guys were enjoying a benefits break holiday paid for by the British tax payer

Mr Littlejohn, that's where you have been hiding!
And the moral of your story and freakstar's above?

Be as vigilant in Ibiza as you would in any other urban area or holiday resort :lol:

While the island is magical, many people are not! :lol: Nothing unique here... if you leave stuff around or talk to strangers in a dark alley, things can go wrong no matter where you are!

Agree 100%, it probably happens less in Ibiza than many other places. My pride is dented but at least my wallet wasnt. Yes, I was vigilant enough not to take cards etc out with me but it happened rather quickly and there were plently of passer-bys around. I am a sociable person and if someone speaks to me, I will speak with them. But thats life and it certainly wont ruin my holiday. Gosh millions of people in Pakistan are currently homeless, I dont really think I can dwell on my little incident too much.
Sorry to hear about your run in. I lived in Spain for for 4 years Andalusia(main land) The police were in general helpful if you had problems. I have gone alone to Ibiza alone every time except once with no problems. mugging don't happen that often IMO. As John said be careful anywhere you are and watch your things. I talked to strangers each time on holiday because if I don't I would be alone the whole time. Just keep your wits about you.
I have gone alone to Ibiza alone every time except once with no problems.

Yep, I have been going to Ibiza alone (with a few exceptions) for 15 years now (bloomin eck I am getting old) and never had any problems. I guess 1 out of 15 is actually not a bad ratio.