Road Trip To Ibiza

  • Thread starter Thread starter fowlern1
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hi its my 30th birthday this year and me and a group of friends want to drive from the UK to Ibiza. We want to travel on an opentop double decker bus.

I want to know if any ferry operators can take double decker buses from spain to Ibiza? If so do you know how much it would cost?

also does anyone have a double decker bus and know how to drive it?


the amnesia double decker must have arrived here somehow and those car decks on the ferries are pretty high.
Last year I wanted to take my motorbike by ferry and the price was really expensive, around 400 € with transmediterranea.
Will Fowlern1 and chums be singing "Summer Holiday" a la Sir Cliff from the top of the bus all the way to ibiza................we demand the truth :lol: :lol:
fowlern1 said:
hi its my 30th birthday this year and me and a group of friends want to drive from the UK to Ibiza. We want to travel on an opentop double decker bus.

I want to know if any ferry operators can take double decker buses from spain to Ibiza? If so do you know how much it would cost?

also does anyone have a double decker bus and know how to drive it?



Sounds like fun. I am sure you will be able to achieve it.

I am sure I remember something about London buses being sold off :?: you know the old ones that you jump on at the back and got a ticket off a conductor. Similar to the Amnesia Bus

Buy one of them and recover the cost by selling fares to Ibiza for each spare seat.

Driving to Ibiza

No doubt at some point we will sing the summer holiday tune.
its more likely going to be some sort of dark twisted house for most of the journey. I'm thinking about trying to get some decks set up on it. The problem their will be learning how to use CD Mixers as normal decks will jump to much. Any way this is all by the by if i cant get the bus over the med we aint going anywhere.

Does anyone know an email address for amnesia. If they've got a bus maybe they can tell me how they got it their.
You could always steal a bus, and then put some inflatable rafts under each wheel. All you'd need do then is put a few oars out of the windows and row from Valencia to Ibiza. 8)
If your serious and it comes off , that would be the best way to go to ibiza EVER with a group of mates :!: :!:

Surely tho, by the time you get there you'll all be wasted and need sleep :lol: :lol:

I just feel for the designated driver of the thing :!:
