riveria hotel and apts san an bay


New Member
i am staying here when i go at end of june. great deal came up and it is in the bay rather than san an town. can anyone tell me where they are in relation to sunset bars etc? and eden and es paradis.

thanks :lol:
Down the steps turn left 15 paces and catch the no 6 (there are others) bus (http://www.ibizabus.com/linea6.htm). Get off either at the Egg (best) or the bus stand.

or as i do

Down the steps, across the road (have 5 bottles of San Migel from the cafe / bar on the corner), wonder if can get to the last ferry (midnight) (water bus goes from Point Xinxo to San An. town) before it leaves. Of course there is the added problem of getting off the stool....
:D thanks a lot. we are not to bothered about walking places depends how energitic we feel!!!

what about walking to sunset strip?